I did bench presses and leg presses in the free weight room last night. I'm just starting to feel the soreness in my chest and upper thighs. I usually find that the time of onset of achiness is a good indicator of how sore I am going to get, ie if I worked out harder, then I will start to hurt earlier in the day, so I have achiness to look forward to. It's really good.
I also feel I have mastered some of the moving-relocation-and-change-is scary-and-sad demons. For today at least. Everything feels moderately under control. This morning I went and posted flyers for the moving sale, tonight and tomorrow I will throw up a few more. The goal for tonight is to get ready for the sale, to put prices on everything, to put everything not for sale (like all my roommate's things) out of the reach of yard-sale goers.
I'm worried about turn-out but people assure me that I will be amazed at who comes and how little I have left at the end of the day. I do remember doing a yard sale with my girl scout troop in the basement of the congregational church on a very cold and rainy morning. I remember that about five minutes after we had finished setting up the fellowship hall people were suddenly there poking around. Even at eleven, it was clear to me that these people had made a special point of getting up to come to this, they wanted to be here. There are a lot of little old ladies in my neighborhood, so I am hoping that they will be the type that get up early in the rain for yard sales. (And it is my understanding that it will be raining on Saturday.) I'm hoping for lots of little old ladies who want to increase their collection of mismatched coffee mugs and who wear size 12-14 clothes.
1 comment:
Bravo, this rather good idea is necessary just by the way
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