Friday, November 10, 2006

My Dad Brags

My Pop is rubbing shoulder with the big guns.

"Last night, David Brooks spoke at Guilford and predicted that the moderate era might last for a decade. I got to meet him and he said he hoped my book would be published in time to be part of political discussion in 2008. "

Let´s certainly hope so, as though as I said below, I don´t think that the Democratic success is evidence of the success of moderation, so much as it is a sign of the Democrats finally articulating a position that is markedly different from the right (and thus somewhat to the left) and that strategy appealing to American voters that are sick of stay-the-course-business-as-usual Rove and Rumsfeld shenanigans. Now if Robert Calhoon and David Brooks call the moderation then I like it. But when someone tried to challenge Lieberman on his stay-the-course-business-as-usual Rove and Rumsfeld shenanigans back earlier in the year with a position that is markedly different from the right (and thus somewhat to the left) up in Connecticut, Robert Calhoon didn´t like it so much.


Townser said...

Hey- I hope your Dad went home and showered after meeting Brooks. I have heard that hypocrisy can be transmitted through a handshake. And, as you surely know, once afflicted it is very diificult to cure.

Claudia said...

Hell I don´t think my Dad is going to shower anymore at all. Or at least wash his right hand. The nice thing is that there are infinite possibilities for ridicule from here on out, especially at the dinner hour when Lehrer comes on.

Townser said...

The truly sad part about this is that with the level of apathy here, moderate rule for the next ten years would be a blessing. Here is my glass half empty prediction: gridlock for the next two years and then the repubs sweep back into power on a platform that the left cannot accomplish anything. My glass half full prediction is that the American electorate has been shaken from its slumber after 12 years of being considered ignorant and fearful. The truth: probably somewhere in between, and therefore--Moderation!!!! Kudos to Professor Calhoun.

Seriously, sounds like things are going well for you. Same old life for me, still in Mom's basement. Had a nice visit with the kids last weekend and a fun wedding in of all places Ft. Wayne, Indiana.

And as a recovering hippie, I would like to remind your Dad that showering is seriously over-rated. Say "hi" to your Dad and Mom for me.

Claudia said...

Glad to hear you are doing well. Hope the kids are great. I´ve been bad about reading other people´s blogs, being sometimes too involved to even write in my own, but will check in.

I never would have taken you for a dirty hippy. Folks, this guy is like the cleanest man you´ve ever run into.