Wednesday, May 19, 2004

You Like Me!

I have discovered that I have readers, which inspires me to do a bit better with posting. How many readers do I have you might ask? Why I have a multitude of readers, two that I know of to be precise. One of them is someone with whom I am in a romantic relationship, the other is my friend, but they still count. They do!


Last night I dreamed that I there was some dire conflict with the property management company in the apartment I am trying to purchase, and I ended up saying well I don't want to apartment anyway. To which the girl in the property management office, (which did not look anything like the property management office does in really life) said fine give us back the keys, and I stormed out. And then I realized, not only had a just lost an extraordinary amount of money, but I had to start all over with looking for an apartment, which was a horrible, horrible position to be in. I love that feeling you get when you wake up and realize that you didn't actually make the dire error that you dreamed you did.

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