Monday, July 28, 2008

Take a lesson from the strangeness you feel

Things I am excited about:
Seeing my parents
Living with Jessica in Cambridge for a few weeks
Speaking Spanish and talking about Ecuador with Chio
Drinking beer with Kathryn
Shopping for gifts in Otovalo
Being in Greensboro without a thousand holiday related chores to deal with
Carolina and Norman´s wedding
Good bye parties (six scheduled so far)
My Dad´s retirement party
Volunteering for Obama
Visiting Angela, Benjamen, Jill, Cris, Michael, Trinity Lutheran, in New York
Having nothing in particular to do for more time than I can imagine
Drinking wine with Ted
Talking shit with Marcus

Things I am sad about:
Leaving Ecuador
Friendships that haven´t gone so well (one in particular)
That fact that I wanted nothing more that to meet someone and when I finally did it was exactly the wrong moment to meet someone
My terrible Spanish grammar

Things I am not excited about:
Job searching
Being in between things
Living at home
Losing my Spanish


jillypickle said...

things i am excited about: claudia coming to visit!

things i am sad about: claudia feeling sad.

Claudia said...

Well now. There is sad and then there is sad. And this was of the moment, frustration with the long goodbye, which in other moments has seemed to be the only way to do this.

It´s all to say. I am fine. Really.

mjbnyc said...

our second bedroom is waiting you visit. now complete with a bed!