Saturday, January 23, 2010

A book for grieving

"Then the shadow was upon us and within us and was as bad as he said it would be. I don't know how many eternities we suffered there, my father and I, but they were motionless with despair. Yet the shadow lightened a little at last; the windows went quiet with the predawn light. We knew the final thing my grandmother said or thought was, Farewell, daughter it is Jesus at last and that final thing my mother said or thought was, Don't leave me alone in this world without you. And then there was enough light in out front room to read the clocks. My grandfather's watch in his case read 12:12 and the other three said 5:11. Time had started up again but I could tell my father was right: It would be a different kind of time we had to live in now; it would not be steady in the least and the winds would be cold in our faces against us all the way."

Fred Chappell
Farewell I'm Bound to Leave You

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