I found myself responsible for two cats and many plants belonging to friends who have been out of the country for awhile. The cats were easy, they came in when I came in, ate, lounged while I check my internet and went on their way when it was time for me to go. They are outdoor cats, and I have forgotten how lovely it is to be able to put a cat outside and know it will come home. The plants were another matter. I inherited the housesitting responsibilities from another friend who did not check the list of instructions and forgot an entire balcony of plants, which when I arrived were disturbingly brown. I did follow the instructions left by my friend Maria but still fear I may have overwatered them in my zeal to correct the problem. My anxiety about killing the plants of Maria (I cannot find the apostrophe on this computer) is made worse by the conversation she had where she announced she was going to hire someone she knew to come in and care for them, because she knew the person would understand the plants, know how to take care of the plants, and love for the plants. How I ended up with the responsibility is a bit mysterious, I am praying that she will not be too distraught.
It is not to worry anyone (read: Mom) but I have been depressed. My usual evening or so of angst having something to do with my period stretched into four days last week of not wanting to do much of anything. This was compounded by a series of events that led to me being entirely exasperated with my habits of dating, or not dating, not paying attention to people when they notice me, not following up on interest that I get from people, then bemoaning the lack of interest I get from people, and on top of it all devoting all my attention and energy to people who have no intention of dating me, and knowing its not optimal but at the same time being convinced that people I already know, people I already care for, are way more appealing than any stranger.
I spent a lot of time this week wondering why I am so screwed up. It freaking sucks.
I was walking at dusk yesterday with my friend Carolina and we saw two people snuggling in the street. One sees that all the time here, but it was notable because it was a elderly gentleman and a seƱora of at least sixty five years. To my eye they were from the campo or at least the outskirts of Cuenca, the woman was wearing the traditional skirt that campesina women wear and the gentleman had was dressed conservatively and humbly. They were completely and helplessly in love, the woman gazing up into his eyes while he caressed her neck. It was a moment worthy of Amelie.
i send you a hug, girl.
Your second paragraph describes the last several months of my life. I hope things have been better as of late.
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