Tuesday, June 05, 2007

How I´m Feeling

For so many months I had nothing to do, and I was busy running around finding places I could plug in, and within a series of weeks all of that work came to fruition and I found myself resolutely overcomitted. It´s good, but not sustainable, for me, or for the folks I working with.
I tried to do the human knot in my jovenes group saturday and couldn´t help them get out of it. We spent like ten minutes standing there looking confused, them totally unenthused and finally I was like, do you kids want to do something else?

I found out afterwards there´s a solution to the human knot, a technique to helping people solve it, in the one manual we have that I didn´t think to consult. When they issued me my duct tape the U. S. Peace Corps forgot to mention the solution to the human knot.

(The Peace Corps doesn´t really issue us duct tape. I had to buy mine.)

I´m happy to have stuff to do, but now worried about not doing it well enough, not being so focused on one thing because I am doing too much, not doing things sustainably, having everyone depend on me too much. Losing patience with people and demotivating them instead of motivating them. That kind of thing.

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