I had to do a group project in my spanish class this time around and I have to admit that I resented it mightily. Towards the end of the semester, I completely lost it with one of my classmates, as it was gradually becoming clear that it was going to fall to me to spend several hours designing and laying out a newspaper type publication. My anxiety was somewhat heightened by the fact that our teacher suggested on two occasions that we disband and join the other groups. Fortunately, my vacation and the due date for the project dovetailed neatly and I had a couple uninterrupted hours of struggling with Microsoft Word and its table functions. This evening the group received this email from our hard ass spanish teacher. For those of you who don't read spanish, it's along the lines of we kicked ass.
"He leìdo la revista de ustedes y, què puedo decir, està excelente. Felicitaciones. Me ha gustado mucho. Tiene coherencia, todos los artículos van muy bien con el propòsito de la publicación. Creo que han hecho un muy muy buen trabajo. Hay detalles especìficos en el texto de cada uno, cosas pequeñas (de gramàtica y tambièn deregistro --coloquial/formal, localismos y cosas de ese tipo), pero el conjunto es sinceramente excelente, sencillo, sin pretenciones, coherente. Me sobran elogios."
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