I went jogging this morning. It was hot and about an hour after I finished I was struck by light headedness and this intense desire to lie down. My kind office mates instructed me to buy some Gatorade, so I'm sipping on that.
I did accomplish some of what I wanted to this weekend. The apartment did get really clean and was was super neat until my normal routine began and my clutter jumped out into the living room. But its clean. Oh, it's clean.
Since I mentioned these isues last week, it's worth mentioning that I have been feeling less like I was in the mourning post-break-up period. I'm starting to wonder what might be next. Even if next ends up being nothing, just being on my own. Someone just invited me to this. I'm not ready for singles mixers yet, and may never be ready for an basketball-themed one. A friend of mine who has been single awhile, just met a new guy and we were talking about it on the phone last night. The falling in love thing can be painful and scary and exciting all at one time. Being by yourself can be nice, because you get to rest. Even though you miss the painful excitement.
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